What I bake, the chibis I draw, and my ever changing fashion tastes.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

And now for another story!

Hello, folks!
So today I was writing some stories, just one chapter!, so that I could see which one I would enjoy writing most and continue. I enjoyed writing the second one a lot more. ;) What I was gonna do was post the first chapter of both stories and see which one you readers liked best, but that would take up a lot of time and space, so I shall post the second story's first chapter. This I wrote while sipping mint tea. *Yay for tea!* Please, tell me what you think of the story!
  Hello. My name Anne. I am a princess! I am different from the princesses people usually write about for three reasons;
  1. I am a modern-day princess
  2. I am 3/4 Elf, (not the Santa Clause kind--though those elves are cousins of ours.) 
  3. I am real.  Though if this book ever gets published, it will be classified as Fiction.
Don't let that fool you! Oh, and I just thought of another reason of why I am different; I am very glad to be a princess. Lots of princesses written about are tomboys and find being a princess a nuisance--but not me! I am pretty girly and enjoy being heir to the Throne. But back to reason number three, which must have startled you slightly. I am real. I live on a group of fourteen islands which are too small to be shown on most maps, though combined the islands equal roughly the size of Cuba. I live in a castle on the largest island (The twelfth.). The castle is fairly large and is very beautiful. There is a medium-sized kitchen, where you can go if you're hungry and it's not quite mealtime yet, and the head cook (a kind old woman named Amrethy) will give you something delicious to eat.
    And there are gorgeous, magnificent gardens, full of every different type of plant you could possibly imagine. And a whole separate area for flowers, too. (I love to walk down by the rose gardens on lazy Saturday afternoons.) Me and my friends take tea in the daisy area in spring and summer. In fall and winter we go indoors, then ice skate on the pond.
    And then, back at the castle there are many interesting and intriguing rooms and halls and passageways and towers--and even a dungeon! Then there's my room. My room is up in one of the highest towers, so I have a grand view of all of the mountains and forests beyond the castle. But back to the room. It has wonderful flowery wallpaper and a nice soft bed--and a sofa. Even a large television against one wall!
          Now do you see why I love being a princess?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I really, really wish it would snow! I love sledding. Sledding is very fun! Especially if there happens to be a big hill near your area. But then you have to climb back up the hill after you sled down, which is very tiresome. I think it was either last year or the year before when we got so little snow, and one of my Christmas presents was a pair of snowshoes! I walked around the yard a little, though.
    The funny thing about snowing is that when it snows, you're really happy! Then you get tired of it and wish it were summer. Then, when summer finally comes around, you are happy for a a while and then wish it were winter. It is a continuous cycle!
    But now I want it to snow. Very bad. Luckily, I hear we may get up to six inches of snow tomorrow!!!!


Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Cookie Day!

Hello everyone! And happy National Cookie Day!
I'd like to say a few words.
    Cookies have existed for hundreds of years! They appear to have originated from 7th century Persia.
According to an online magazine, cookies were first invented as samples for cakes. To see if a cake recipe was any good, bakers would just bake a little bit and then try it. People eventually discovered that these tiny cake thingies were good! And thus, the cookie was born.
    Unfortunately, I did not know it was this sweet treat's holiday today until my good friend told me via e-mail. And since I had already planned to make cookies tomorrow for this friend, I thought I probably shouldn't today....So I made banana muffins!! I usually don't really like bananas plain, but in muffins, they are good! And besides, everyone loves muffins! Well, most everyone. I know I do!

So happy Cookie Day, readers! I wonder when cupcake day is....

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Hello. :)
Soooo sorry I haven't posted in like forever!! D,: 
What were you all for Halloween? Did you even go TOTing? I went as Foxface from the Hunger Games. She. Is. So. Awesome! I even temporarily dyed my hair red, but it didn't turn out that good. :P Like, my hair dried with sections stuck together, so for the next one or two days, I just stuffed it into a ponytail. AND I GOT CANDY!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! What is your favourite kind? Mine would probably be Milky Way, 3 Musketeers, Snickers, Hershey's, and Almond Joy. I went Trick Or Treating with my best friend, and her siblings and older sister's friend, and when we got back we just sat and traded candy for a while. I gave them practically anything they wanted if they gave me Almonds Joys!! So I ended up with about 14 Almond Joys. They are basically the only thing I like coconut in. So yeah. Story of my life! :D


Thursday, October 18, 2012

My haircut!

Hello! I just got my hair cut. It's not much different, just a bit shorter, and I got longer layers but you probably can't tell....
....And it's curly!! I will scrunch it again next time I shower. :) Yeah, sorry I'm not that good at taking pictures....:P
Oh, and the bow I am wearing is attached to a headband! I got it at Claire's! xD


Monday, October 15, 2012

TSODAHWD Episode one!

OK, so here's the first episode of The Story Of Daffodil And Her Weird Dream. Well, tell me what you think!! Oh, and Daffodil's thoughts will be written in green so it's not confusing....:P
            Daffodil walked down the street towards Aunty L's Smoothie Place. As she walked she could here the big bells inside the bell tower chiming 7:00. Usually Daffodil didn't like to get up so early, but she had a lot of thinking to do, and she always felt that the Smoothie Place was where to do it.
  Why, she thought, did she keep having the same dream?! The one were she was at a llama farm, and then she had to put on a concert, and then she fell off the stage. It always confused Daffodil because she never really liked llamas, and she didn't know why she would be singing--Well, yes, her dream was to become a famous singer and all, but she didn't think she could do it. After all, she was only an eleven year old girl from Colorado. Did anyone famous every come from Colorado?! she thought. And then as she reached the doors of Aunty L's, she thought of something: Didn't stuff like this always happen to people in books and movies and stuff? Maybe, like, it's my fate, she was thinking excitedly. Maybe I will be a famous singer! Well, at a llama farm, but who cares?!
            Then, as Daffodil ordered her usual, (Blueberry Blast) she saw a familiar face! It was Hayli Yae! Hayli was one of Daffodil's best friends. Her others were Portia Quimsby and Felicity Ranwall. I wonder what Hayli's doing here, Daffodil thought. Hayli usually didn't like coming here, because she was allergic to something they put in the smoothies.  
     Huh, Daffodil thought to herself, well, I'll go say hi! But then Daffodil noticed something even stranger--Hayli was wearing a baseball cap over her black bob hair that said, I <3 THE RB LLAMA FARM!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Gangnam Style and Improvisation!

Well, no one commented on what sort of characters they want me to have in the stories--or what they want the stories to be about yet, *sad face* or sooooo, I am going to just add my own characters! 
Oh, and I don't really like to blog more than once a day, so I'll tell you what happened at the roller rink yesterday!

       So, you all know, or probably should know the song Gangnam Style, by Psy? Well, there was this birthday at the rollerskating place, and sorta towards the end that song played. Well, everyone went absolutely crazy! A bunch of people started doing that horse riding dance that goes with the song, and screamed out the lyrics at that one awkward part....Yep! So it was fun watching them do that. What was funnier was that most of the people at the birthday party looked like they were maybe in 3rd grade. And then at the end everyone yelled AGAIN!! AGAIN!! PLAY IT AGAIN!!!!
     So that was the roller rink! Oh, and I had an improv showcase thing, which thankfully my best friend made it to! That made me very happy. xD My improv class is made up of about in between eight to twelve boys-- and two girls including me! The boys don't really talk to us that much, though. :P

      Well, that was sort of a long post, so I'll post Episode 1 of the story tomorrow!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Stories x)

Hola mi amigos! 
 I am eating fudge right now. x) A friend gave me the recipe! Thank you, friend! 
So I just had the wonderful idea of posting installments of little stories that I'll write! I like writing stories, and when I was younger I wanted to be an author. I think I would be too lazy to now....Especially if I had to meet a deadline or something :P But I feel like writing stuff now! Random! Soooo, dear readers, please comment on what you think the story/ies should be about! Yay! Thanks! 
            Heehee I made Jell-O a little while earlier and I am going to surprise my dad with it when we get back from skating! Now I know what you're thinking, What! Jell-O and fudge!? Well, in my opinion, you can never have too much sweets! Well, you can but who cares....

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cute chibis!

Hi! I was just drawing a chibi. I love chibis, as you can tell from the title (and wallpaper) of this blog! For those of you who do not know what a chibi is, it is a sort of style of drawing things Things drawn in chibi form are generally cuter, and have huge eyes. Sorta hard to explain. But, anyways, here's a picture of the chibi I drew!

It's not very good, as you can see. That is partially because I used a Sharpie pen/marker thing instead of a normal pen to ink it in. Oh well, a chibi is a chibi. They are so adorable!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Awesome Pumpkin Bread

This morning I made some pumpkin bread from a mix! I had a slice for breakfast. ^_^ 
I was going to make a cake from a mix that I found the other day, but according to the expiration date on the package, it was expired about 8 months ago....And so I figured it would be safest to not make it!....So I made pumpkin bread instead!
Here are some photos: 

Yummy, huh?

Friday, October 5, 2012


Why hello, everyone; and welcome to my blog! <3  I have a lot of expectations for this blog, like I'm sort of wanting it to be a fashion blog....but also more like an online journal. ;) And it would be great if you readers could give me ideas on what to write about! And also, it would be great if there were no hateful comments and stuff. I would appreciate that! 
I know this is a sort of short post, but I'm still sort of designing the blog and getting in the groove of things.
